BuIldIng BrIdges for a Green Future – a CollaboratIon between Sultanbeylİ and Fundao
Sultanbeylİ MunIcIpalIty
1- Municipio do Fundao
2- Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation – TESEV
1- Association for Assistance and Solidarity of Refugees and Asylum Seekers (RASAS)
2- Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Türkiye: Sultanbeyli (İstanbul)
Portugal: Fundão (Castelo Branco District)
The aim of the project is for local governments from different cultures to come up with a common approach by supporting each other to raise awareness and mobilize children and young people on the global issue of climate change.
- Collection and analysis of data on urban climate resilience
- Mutual study visits and experience sharing on climate change adaptation and Voluntary Local Assessment Report (Study Visits to Sultanbeyli and Fundão Municipalities, Development of P4C Climate Module, Implementation of P4C Climate Workshops)
- Development and implementation of children and youth awareness and participation tools on climate (Establishment of the Climate Club, Climate Workshop, Promotion and Dissemination)
– The Local Climate Action Plan for Sultanbeyli Municipality was prepared.
– Mechanisms were created to engage children and youth (Climate clubs, P4C workshops).
– The Greenhouse Gas Inventory was calculated.
– Voluntary Local Assessment Report was prepared for Fundao Municipality; Voluntary Local Assessment Report for Sultanbeyli Municipality was updated.
– Staff in local governments developed skills to build international cooperation on climate change.
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06680 Kavaklıdere/ANKARA