EnvIronmental Problems and ClImate Change AdaptatIon MeetIng Held In Muş / Tree PlantIng ActIvIty was Held In the SpecIal ProvIncIal AdmInIstratIon Garden
‘Environmental Problems and Climate Change Adaptation Meeting’ was held within the scope of the We Are Together on Climate and Environmental Problems Project carried out by Muş Special Provincial Administration. At the meeting, environmental problems and climate change issues were discussed and steps were taken for cooperation.
Within the scope of our project named “We Are Together On The Basis Of Climate And Environment Problems”, on 26.04.2024, our Governor Mr. Avni Çakır, Provincial Protocol, Union of Provinces Representative Bülent Boztuğ, Our Associates, Our Co-Applicant Italy Mirabello Sannitico.
The Mayor and his Delegation planted saplings in the garden of Muş Special Provincial Administration in order to strengthen the brotherhood of the two cities.