ClImate Change FInancIng for Local AdmInIstratIons

“ClImate Change FInancIng In Local AdmInIstratIons” – ThematIc Workshop SerIes 

Climate change, and cities’ role in addressing its causes, cannot be divorced from sustainable development efforts. According to most recent statistical data and research, 55% of the world population live in the cities and account for 80% of global GDP. In 2050, cities will be accommodating 3.5 billion new people. This unparalleled rate of urban expansion demands new approaches to how we conceive and arrange our cities; culturally, economically, and environmentally. 

Many of the actions needed to help cities combat their contribution to climate change can also serve as pathways to sustainable development in terms of closing equity gaps and generating new finance opportunities and jobs. Some of these include co-locating high residential with high employment densities, achieving high diversity and integration of land uses, increasing accessibility, and investing in public transport. Achieving sustainable development requires addressing several development challenges in cities such as – poverty, inadequate infrastructure, negative environmental impacts, etc. Cities, with their concentrated population and infrastructure, are especially vulnerable to certain effects of environmental degradation and climate change as well as other environmental stresses like heatwaves, flash floods, pollution, and soil contamination. Their aggregated consumption patterns can also lead to biodiversity loss. 


The thematic workshops will address these issues, while also exploring the financing of the actions to be taken in this context. 

 Workshop Duration: 1 Day 

Workshop Places: Ankara, Cappadocia, Uşak  

Dates: 26 April 2024, 10 May 2024, 17 May 2024 

Methodology: Interactive  

Output: Recommendation Report based on the findings of the Workshop to provide feedback to Climate Financing Roadmap. 


Sustainable Urbanisation and Its Financing for a Green Future 
09.00-09.30   Registration 
09.30-10:00  Opening Speeches by Stakeholders 
10.00-10.45  Interactive Workshop Part I –Background Presentation and Workshop Methodology by Team Leader 
10.45-11.00  Coffee-Break 
11.00-13.00  Interactive Workshop Part II– Climate Change and Sustainable Urbanisation 

Moderator: Team Leader 

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures  by Local Administrations: Challenges and Future Prospects 
13.00-14.00  Lunch Break 
14.00-16.00  Interactive Workshop Part III – EU funding strategies on Climate Change, Environment and Energy 

Moderator: Zabala Innovation  

  • European Programmes: Multiannual Financial Framework  
  • Horizon Europe structure: Pillars, Partnerships, Missions  
  • How to apply: Funding and Tenders Portal 
16.00-17.00  Presentation of Workshop Results and Closure